David Christopher Immune Defense Summit
According to David, Master Herbalist, the best herbs for improving and supporting health immune system are as follows;

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) member of the pea family, is an adaptogenic herb and is a perennial plant with hairy stems that can grow up to 4 feet tall, producing small yellow flowers that eventually turn into egg-shaped beans.
Adaptogenic herbs such as astragalus root help your body adapt to physical, emotional or mental stress. Its immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties also lower your risk for infections and other diseases. can help alleviate ulcers by promoting the healthy balance of gastric juices and gastric acid in your stomach.He has a special combination of 50/50 marshmallow root and Astragalus called Immucalm, for people trying to heal from an autoimmune disease, the marshmallow helps balance out the formula so that the immune system does not overreact and go into hyperdrive as is common with autoimmunity.

Echinacea is his second go to herb for immune system assistance. It is also known as purple cone flowers and can be grown easily in North America. All part of the plant have therapeutic value, flower, leaves and roots. Echinacea has complexity. The plant contains many chemicals that play a role in its therapeutic effects, including polysaccharides, glycoproteins, alkamides, volatile oils, and flavonoids. Some suggested uses and amounts, but simply chewing and keeping it in your mouth is an effective way to gain from its healing properties.
1 – 2 grams dried root or herb, as tea
2 – 3 mL of standardized tincture extract
6 – 9 mL of expressed juice (succus)
300 mg of standardized, powdered extract containing 4% phenolics
Tincture (1:5): 1 – 3 mL (20 – 90 drops)
Stabilized fresh extract: 0.75 mL (15 – 23 drops)
Apply creams or ointments for slow-healing wounds as needed.

The Intelligent Plant: A True Adaptogen
Beyond this balancing effect, ginseng does have a number of highly specific health benefits that are quite common for those who consume the plant regularly; it has a stabilizing effect of the inflammatory cytokines found in the bloodstream by significantly reducing inflammatory markers. Furthermore, in-depth studies of ginseng in humans, cell cultures and animals have shown that each type of immune cell function—including macrophages, natural killer cells, T cells, B cells and dendritic cells—can be enhanced to varying degrees by ginseng.

Garlic—together with onions—are among the best known of all "allium vegetables." Both of these plants (garlic and onions) belong to the same genus of plants called the Allium genus. "Allium" is actually the Latin word for garlic! Other commonly enjoyed foods that belong to this Allium genus are leeks, chives, scallions, and shallots.
Allicin is created when two separate ingredients in garlic connect with each other. One is a protein fragment (Alliin) and one is a heat-sensitive enzyme (Alliinase). In the intact clove, these substances are isolated in separate compartments and do not co-mingle until we slice, press, or chew the garlic and rupture the barriers between them.
It has been found that heating garlic immediately after crushing or slicing it can destroy the heat-sensitive enzyme, which results in allicin not being created.
A good way to avoid this is by simply adjusting how we prepare garlic. When we chop, mince, slice, or mash garlic, it is best to then keep it away from heat for 10 minutes! During this time, the maximum amount of allicin is created and we will get all the medicine we are looking for in the garlic, even after it is cooked, sautéed, baked, or fried.
Reishi Mushrooms

While some details are still uncertain, test-tube studies have shown that reishi can affect the genes in white blood cells, which are critical parts of your immune system.
What’s more, these studies have found that some forms of reishi may alter inflammation pathways in white blood cells
High levels of vitamin C found in red, yellow or orange bell peppers as well as the white part of the peel on numerous citrus fruits, ginger, broccoli, horseradish are also mentioned as immune boosting fresh foods that should be consumed to help heal the immune system and dead, processed nutrition poor foods need to be avoided, especially dairy products. He states very clearly that humans are the only species that continues to consume milk after infancy and those of another species, whether that be grass fed goat or cow. The proteins and sugars found in milk are too difficult to digest and are responsible for creating a mucus protective coating by the immune system to protect us.
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