Bee Venom Therapy BVT
The pain relieving effect of bee venom in the treatment of clinical conditions similar to Lyme disease has been established a long time ago. Bee venom contains a number of potent peptides which are responsible for its healing effect ("Bee Venom Therapy for Chronic Pain," Dietrich Klinghardt, J. of Neurol and Orthop. Med and Surg., Vol. 11, Issue 9, Oct 1990, pp. 195-197). Recent research proved that one of the peptides in bee venom, melittin, has a strong inhibitory effect on the Lyme spirochete at very low doses ("Bee Stings as Lyme Inhibitor" by L. L. Lubke and C. F. Garon, J. Clin. Infect. Diseases, July 1997, 25 Suppl. 1, pp. 48-51). When the spirochete is inhibited it does not multiply and is vulnerable to the host's own immune system and to medication. The dosage and frequency of treatment is determined by the patient's clinical response. Patients with Babesia or Mycoplasma infections require higher dosages then those with only B. burgdorferi infections. MORE
The venom is a natural substance that stresses one small area of the body's immune system. This can train it to come back stronger. Bodybuilders use this process with their weights, food, and rest. Allergic reactions are very rare and avoidable. Body responses to this bee sting are like a chemical concert. These responses improve with practice, like any physical skill. Handling a little stress and coming back stronger is central to increasing the health of any living system and its ability to adapt.
The venom-triggered repair process works on many diseases. Any condition with a component of degeneration and loss of muscle or nerve function may respond well. Especially with autoimmunity, where normal immune defense is directed against one's own tissue, the BVT is unique in its effectiveness.
Apitherapy, the medicinal use of honey bee products, has been practiced since ancient times. In the modern world, honey bee venom has found wide uses in treating arthritis and other inflammatory and degenerative diseases. The world's scientific literature contains more than 1500 articles on bee venom. The French and Russian equivalents of the National Institute of Health (NIH) have been involved in clinical studies of honey bee venom, and the U.S. Army has looked extensively at the chemical compounds in bee venom.Honey bee venom contains at least 18 active substances. Mellitin, the most prevalent substance, is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory agents known (100 times more potent than hydrocortisol). Adolapin is another strong anti-inflammatory substance and inhibits cyclooxygenase; it thus has analgesic activity as well. Apamin inhibits complement C3 activity and blocks calcium-dependent potassium channels, thus enhancing nerve transmission.

Other substances such as Compound X, Hyaluronidase, Phospholipase A2, Histamine, and Mast Cell Degranulating Protein (MCDP) are involved in the inflammatory response of venom, with the softening of tissue and the facilitation of fluid flow. Finally, there are measurable amounts of the neurotransmitters Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Seratonin. MORE
Other Resources
The Treatment of Lyme Disease with Bee Venom
by Dietrich K. Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D.
Bee Venom Therapy and Lyme Disease
Ellie Lobel
Innovative effects of bee venom therapy on lyme disease: A pioneering study
Amber Rose , Ph.D., AP, L.Ac., LMT, LMSW, LCSW

Study finds honeybee venom triggers immune response
Allergy-like immune reactions could represent a mechanism of the body that protects it against toxins. This surprising conclusion has been reached by scientists at Stanford University, USA, working on a research project co-financed by the FWF. The recently published findings prove that honeybee venom triggers an immune response in mice associated with the formation of IgE antibodies, which are also typical for allergic responses. These IgEs then confer protection against higher amounts of the venom subsequently administered to the mice. Thus, for the first time, IgEs were observed as having a direct protective function against a venom – a finding that substantiates a controversial hypothesis on the emergence of allergies formulated in the 1990s. Read more
BVT Lyme Wellness QUEST
This page will follow my wellness journey with the use of bee venom therapy for late stage (chronic) Lyme disease and co-infections
BVT for Lyme
This group is for people using or interested in Bee Venom Therapy to treat Lyme disease. It is for open sharing of what is working and what isn't!! Please let me know if you would like to be added to this group.
Bee Venom Therapy Forever-education
BVT Trading Post for Lyme BVT Protocol
Connecting those who have extra Bees and/or BVT supplies with those who may put them to good use.
Stop taking the Big Pharma products to mask your symptoms, treat those infections (those undiagnosed infections) with Bee Venom Therapy.
Let's get you onto a pathway towards normalizing your body. Apitherapy to treat Fibromyalgia
BVT Trading Post
Connecting folks who have extra Bee resources with those who find themselves in a predicament while traveling the BVT journey.
The Bee Venom Miracle for Lyme Disease
This group has been created for those people that are using bee venom as a treatment. No bullying, behaving like an "expert," or telling patients what to do in this group. Inappropriate posts or threads will be deleted to maintain focus. Unfortunately, some members of the Lyme community have been sparring, which is counterproductive to our healing. Anyone exhibiting these behaviors will not be allowed into the group and will be removed if they attempt to enter. This will be a great group and a supportive one.
Pioneers: Healing Lyme With Bee Venom Therapy
This page is devoted to providing support for Lyme patients and Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) practitioners who treat Lyme. I focus above all on discussing education and safety. This includes a question and answer format. Since Lyme is a complex disease, proper guidance is needed to beat this very intelligent, cunning, and baffling pathogen. Most BVT practitioners do not know much about Lyme disease. They need specialized training in the Lyme protocol. The pathology of the Lyme spirochete and its co-infections require careful analysis. My goal is to help Lyme patients who want to recover with BVT. We do not use the word “cure.” For full recovery, not remission, a 2 - 3 year period is needed, three times per week.
Bee Venom Therapy for Lyme Disease USA
Mission statement:This page is dedicated to support Lyme patients and Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) and Practitioners who may be treating Lyme patients. Our focus is education, discussion, and Q & A . Lyme Disease is complicated. People with Lyme need proper guidance in order to beat this very intelligent stealthy pathogen. Even skilled BVT practitioners need special training in Lyme Protocols and the manipulations and pathology of the Lyme spirochete and co-infections associated with it.
Healing Lyme With Bee Venom
Mission statement: This page is dedicated to supporting Lyme patients and Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) practitioners who want to treat Lyme.
lyme diseases treatment by bee venom
Apitherapy to treat Lyme and co-infections
This is a group dedicated to discussions on Bee Venom Therapy or Apitherapy. Many use it to treat Lyme Disease & it's Co-infections.
Love & Venom, Don Downs!! Love his work.
Lyme Disease Treatment with injectable Bee Venom or live bee therapy
This group has been created for those people that are using bee venom as a treatment. Some groups prefer live bee therapy, which is fine, but many of us using injectables need a support group also. We won't exclude those who use live bees, but saying that one treatment is superior to another will not be permitted in this group. It is counterproductive and somewhat "non-scientific." No bullying, behaving like an "expert," or telling patients what to do in this