Complimentary therapies include a range of using natural and usually historically used approach to health care. Many ancient societies used these methods for a variety of dis eases found among their societies. Western medicine is realtively new in the scheme of things yet has been set as the norm. These approaches are the norm for many people around the globe and have their credibility anchored in history. It is my hope that regardless of your own personal histories you can learn from others and might be able to find something that might be new to you...but old for many.
Healing methods I have explored and have hopefully been able to give the full story on
by finding the spectroscopic signature of each microbe,and then using frequencies modulated to disrupt them. Knowing the signature or MOR gives you the bacterias address, and then its time to occilate them out. This the essense of Royal Raymond Rife's approach/therapy.

Apitherapy, the medicinal use of honey bee products, has been practiced since ancient times. In the modern world, honey bee venom has found wide uses in treating arthritis and other inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Bee venom contains a number of potent peptides which are responsible for its healing effect.

Homeopathic Remedies
The classical homeopathic prescription is based, not on the diagnosis of Lyme disease per se, but on this personalized understanding of the characteristic form of disease expression in that individual host. Better explained as like attracts like. If a person is showing signs that are not like them, ie, bad body odor. a remedy is given(sulfur) that has the same properties to bind to it and neutralize it.

Acupuncture or acupressure supports the bodyʼs healing process and can be an important component of a protocol for treating Lyme disease. Of course, a good acupuncturist would consider many characteristic variables about the patient, the length of time the patient has had the disease, and the presentation of symptoms.

Silver’s use continued into the 1800’s for prevention and treatment of infection, and finally into first half of the 1900’s with widespread use by physicians as an antibiotic treatment for patients. After the 1940’s, silver’s use dwindled with the introduction of pharmaceutical antibiotics. Colloidal Silver is a tasteless, odorless, non-toxic, pure, natural substance consisting of sub-microscopic clusters of silver particles, suspended by a tiny electric charge placed on each particle, within a suitable liquid.

The molecule’s size usually ranges from 0.01 to about 0.001 micron in diameter (very small). The particles do not settle but remain suspended since the electric charge exerts more force than gravity on each particle. Colloidal is the form of choice since the body must convert a crystalline solution to colloidal before it can be used. Taken in moderation, it is a powerful adjunct to our immune systems, by killing harmful disease-causing organisms, and aids healing.
Cannabis is effective at killing bacteria, viruses, and fungus. All 5 major cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN, CBG, and CBC) has been shown to kill MRSA, known as the “flesh eating virus.” Less studied cannabinoids such as 8-hydroxycannabinol have potent antibacterial properties, and single extracts may provide new targets to kill the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. I try to explore the different ways of using cannabis and how its multiple components hold answers for many health issues.

Essential oils
Plants naturally produce antimicrobial substances to defend themselves against environmental stressors such as fungus or bacteria. Since the dawn of time humans have developed various ways to extract those antimicrobial substances from herbs and use them for medicinal purpose. I provide a Lyme protocol and helpful oils and some of the cons of using essential oils.