Lyme Kingston
Serving Kingston and Surrounding areas
Taking Action
Lyme Activist Organizations

Ontario Fights Lyme

A review of how well the KFL&A PHU has implemented PHO strategies specifically in regards to Lyme disease and other vector borne illnesses. Please Review the 5 Strategic Plans before responding to survey. Knowledge is power.
Ontario Letter Campaign
Kit and John Scott-Founders of LYME ONTARIO
We have started a letter writing campaign to allow naturopaths to prescribe antimicrobials in Ontario. A sample letter is attached that I am hoping you will share with your membership. It can be changed to suit the sender. Your members just need to look up the name and address of their MPP.
Naturopaths in BC can prescribe antimicrobials and Lyme disease patients are getting excellent care. If it can be done in BC, why not in Ontario?
Ticking Lyme Bomb in Canada. YOU are at RISK. Sign now!
Please sign this petition asking the Canadian Government to reject the current draft Action Plan (Framework) for Lyme disease and FIX IT. The Framework must recognize the seriousness of this disease for all of us. Time is ticking. Canada has NO Plan. You could be the next BITE.
Lyme Disease Framework Update – March 2nd Elizabeth May's Parliamentary petition, e-903, that encourages a rewrite of the framework.
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I am writing today to address the draft Federal Framework on Lyme Disease, recently opened for consultation by the Public Health Agency of Canada. There are positive elements to the draft. However, there is also room for improvements.
I welcome the Framework’s statement that the diagnosis of Lyme is “primarily a clinical one.” It also includes an important commitment to the development of new and improved diagnostic tests. That said, I expected more out of this process. It has been over two years since Bill C-442 received Royal Assent, and the consultation on the draft Framework is taking place nearly a year after the conference last May. I believe that the Framework should be strengthened to include a commitment that the Government of Canada will not allow any Lyme patient in Canada to go without treatment in Canada. I plan to discuss this with Minister Philpott.