Lyme Kingston
Serving Kingston and Surrounding areas
Lyme Kingston is not a registered charity, and since its inception in 2014 has been funded by a limited ODSP (Ontario Disability Pension) income and the financial support of another individual Lyme sufferer.
Our goal is to increase awareness and help educate everyone within the highly endemic Kingston Area with factual information and helpful prevention strategies. It is my hope that those whose lives have been affected by Lyme and other Tick borne diseases can make small contibutions so that our mission can continue and that more people can be helped.
Lyme Kingston acknowledges the heavy burden of out of pocket costs and appreciates how draining financially Lyme can be. We are not asking for you to overextend yourselves. However whatever small contribution you could make will go a long way to cover the expenses for the website, our pamphlets, tick cards and presentation materials printing costs.
Again, Lyme Kingston is not a registered charity, so tax statements are not available. However our gratitude and appreciation will be greatly extended for any and all assistance you can offer.
In an attempt to be as transparent as possible, accounting records will be available for those who wish to see where their donations are going. Please use the contact page for information.